Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Landscapes, buildings, doesn't seem to matter I suck at backgrounds in general. All my life I've only really been interested in drawing the figure. I've decided that I need to if you read/view this blog you will get to suffer through it with me.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Ice Queen

Not sure what happened last week, but apparently I forgot to draw anything or post anything. I don't remember being particularly busy either...I guess that is what happens to a lot of peoples blogs though. Oh well. Here is something new.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


A character for a comic book/novel I have played with since I was in high school, and will probably never actually do. I have over 90 pages of the "book" version done, but I'm too lazy to actually draw the real thing. Anyway, a change of pace from the naked girls.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


can't wait for friday.

Monday, March 20, 2006


An old codger at work asked me today "Remember the good old days when we worked for a living?" Now there is a huge gap in age (I'm in my twenties and he is rapidly approaching retirement) but I don't know what part of employment has ever been considered "good old days". Granted, its better than the current alternative of unemployment, obviously since it would be "easy" to take that route, but I continue to work. While I have no experience in the matter, I'm certain that "Independently Wealthy" is actually were much of the "good old days" are stored. Anyway...enough babbling. Above is a picture. I realize that she is lacking a foot...unfortunately I didn't realize this until after a darker pigment was in the way and couldn't be easily covered. So Autumn is officially a one footed harpy with crazy hair.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Prisma markers on both sides of the paper...made some interesting color effects that wouldn't be possible doing it just on one side.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

De Facto

The little bomber dude is just a quick doodle of some cool work I found via Drawn! Done is prisma color marker. The seemingly de facto naked woman in the back is meant to be an elf or something. Whatever...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Weekend off

I took the weekend off...Normally I'm working on programming for a website, doing some(2D) art, or working on sculpture in the garage. This weekend I vegged out in front of the Xbox and watched 3 movies with my wife. It was nice and relaxing, and it made me want to draw even more once the week started. Here is my offering for today. Faber Castell Brush pen in my sketchbook.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


A work in progress that I started this morning. What I mean by work in progress, is a drawing I will most likely never

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Logo designs

My brother is starting his own business and wanted some help pulling a logo together. Sat down in Illustrator and farted these out in an hour to get the ball rolling. We'll see what he thinks.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Back to the drawing board

Spent all last week working on a sculpture for a client, on a very tight deadline...didn't get the chance to draw anything at all. Its amazing how quickly you can get rusty. This is a total miss, but wanted to force myself back into the habit. Prisma color markers, and cheap sketchbook paper...